Weight Loss Tea
There are many things we can do if we are looking to lose weight. Experts explain that there are two ways of approaching a weight reduction program, one is through diet, controlling what is consumed and the other is by increasing energy expenditure in order to burn more fat.
There are many natural products that can help to lose weight, including tea. One of the most popular among all types of tea to lose weight, green tea and red tea. The other most famous variety of tea, black tea, works to a lesser extent.
Green tea has been popularized in recent years and is widely used in slimming diets. This proven to help burn fat, has shown that those taking green tea three times daily had a 4% increase in energy expenditure. It is also a powerful antioxidant acting not only on fats, but it brings a benefit to all body cells.
Red tea is the most effective weight loss. There is a red tea diet to lose weight and is very effective for its ability to accelerate metabolism, resulting in a greater ability to burn fat.
But we also have other infusions that may become useful for slimming. This homemade recipe is especially for those extra pounds off staying in the stomach.
Boil a liter of water to a boil, then add five bay leaves, a cinnamon stick and a handful of sage leaves, cover the pot and let boil for about fifteen minutes. Let stand for five minutes.
If we take a cup every morning fasting and digestive effects will be achieved and better elimination of fats.